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Make The Most Of Your Wedding Tasting

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Are You Ready To Sample Your Wedding Menu?

Check out these top tips for a taste-bud tingling wedding tasting menu experience!

The food you serve at your wedding plays a huge part in the happiness of your guests. Weddings can be a long day for your friends and family who may have travelled from far and wide to be with you. So, rewarding them with a delicious celebratory meal at your reception is an essential part of the proceedings, and of course you’ll no doubt be looking forward to tucking in yourselves! To make sure you have the food you long for at your reception, it’s common practice to attend a wedding tasting in advance of your big day. This is your opportunity to sample the menu you’ve chosen to check that it passes muster. So how do you make the most of your tasting experience?

Don’t Sample The Entire Menu

When you’re trialling your wedding menu, don’t ask to try a bit of everything. This isn’t your chance to get a free meal and some caterers may actually have rules over the quantity you’re allowed to try. But even so, trying too many dishes can skew your focus, so it’s better to have a good look through the menu beforehand and work out which dishes would work well together and which would suit the tastes of your guests.

Have Your Budget In Mind

Depending on the amount of guests attending your wedding, the catering costs can contribute to a substantial portion of your budget! So it’s important to go along to your wedding tasting with a solid idea of numbers and your maximum cost per head budget. Remember that the price of each dish could throw your costs out substantially, so it’s important to stay strictly within limits unless you’re willing to cut your guest list numbers so you can all enjoy the beef instead of the chicken!

Ask To Meet The Chef

If possible, it’s always worth asking to meet the chef either during or following your wedding tasting. This will give you the opportunity to ask any questions about where the ingredients are sourced, and to request any small changes. For example, if a main dish is served with carrots, and you would prefer parsnips, then don’t be afraid to ask. As a professional wedding venues Essex team, we understand the importance of making sure the bride and groom are entirely happy with their choice of reception menu, long before the big day comes around!

Keep Your Tasting Diner Numbers Small

Again, some caterers may have rules about how many people you’re allowed to bring to a wedding tasting. But from the point of view of the bride and groom, it’s actually a good idea to keep the dining numbers relatively small, so that you don’t become overwhelmed by too many opinions! A wedding planner or coordinator and possibly one set of parents if they’re financially involved in the wedding should suffice.

If you’d like to book a wedding tasting before making the final dining choices for your big day, it’s best to get this booked in sooner rather than later. As with all things wedding-related, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s in advance is essential and if you’re going to offer meal choices in with your invitations, then your menu will need to be secured before these go to print! So don’t delay, book your wedding tasting today!

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